Adventures in Nerd Dating: Letting Your Fandom Show

On the last “Adventures in Nerd Dating”….. I talked about my nerd test, this week its all about what happens when someone passes that test AND shares some of your interests. As most of my dates start out I met … Continue reading

Adventures in Nerd Dating: The Nerd Test

Anyone who knows anything about me probably knows that I consider myself to be a huge nerd.  A fact I am quite proud of. I can turn anything in to a Whovian or Harry Potter reference, sometimes even a Supernatural reference. I have been known to dabble in deductions with Sherlock, and I have fully accepted that Joss Whedon is a close to a god as you can get (if you are a nerd). And let’s not kid ourselves, we all are secretly hoping Gandalf shows up on our birthday with fireworks and an invitation for an adventure, preferably with dragons. Now that my nerd credentials have been verified and we’ve reversed the polarity of the post the question has to be asked. What does being a nerd have to do with dating, Dana?

Elementary my dear reader! In dating you want someone who shares your interests or is at least open to trying your interests. Therefore, as a nerd I need someone who I am considering a relationship with to pass my nerd test. Think “How I Met Your Mother” when Ted introduces Stella to Star Wars.  Ted wants to share his nerdy interests with her, and even though she hates it she still was open to sharing his interest.  Though ultimately Ted could never have ended up with her because you can’t trust someone who doesn’t like the original Star Wars movies, you just can’t.

But I’m getting off track, I was talking about my nerd test.  It is a quick way for me to gauge if someone shares my nerdiness without flat out asking them, because nerds can get a little intense about the things they love. Like the time I told my friend Kristin to break up with her boyfriend because he had her start Doctor Who on Matt Smith and not Christopher Eccleston, the idiot. Basically I slip in very casual references to my nerdiness and see if they pick it up.  If they do they pass the test they may get a second date.  But should they fail, I cast them into the fires of Mount Doom.  Actually they have just as much a chance for a second date if they fail as they do if they pass. I’m just checking if I am in the presence of a fellow nerd or not without seeming dingo ate my baby crazy.

So that is it, my test, in fact you may have noticed a few references scatter throughout the post, most were pretty obvious. But I always like to throw in a curve ball.  Always.

Adventures in Nerd Dating is a reoccurring series of blog posts. Stay tune for more nerdy fun!