New Decade, New Me, New Millennial

So it is officially a new decade!  And I’m sure everyone is sick and tired of people talking about New Year’s resolutions and how its a New Year, New Me!. Let’s be honest most of them will have forgotten about their resolutions by the time I hit publish on this blog post.  But I turn 30 this year and looking back at the past few years (ugh) and the last 3 decades (yikes) there is quite a bit I’d like to change going forward. So you’re going to just have to suffer through one more.

Now my changes are going to be threefold, and over the next couple of weeks, I’ll take a deep dive into each of them. I’m going to work on 1) self-control, 2) getting active, 3) staying humble.   So let’s start with how I’m going to be working my self-control.

To say I have no self-control would be a lie. I can control certain impulses, but not all.  I might not grab that delicious piece of chocolate cake at the office birthday party, but I’ll probably eat three candy bars later. Or I’ll go out for the weekend and have a drink then head home for an early night only to get completely fucked up the following weekend. My self-control is….unpredictable.

How am I going to make it more predictable?  With progressive goal building. Each month I will add on 1 new self-control goal while maintaining the other. Sometimes these goals will tie in with my other two areas of improvement, sometimes they won’t. And they won’t all be about restricting or limiting myself, they will also be about doing good habits more often and improving on existing talents and activities.

January’s goal is appropriately about alcohol.  Many people participate in dry January after the holiday season and I have been known to swear off the booze my self for months at a time.  Not drinking is not a problem.  But I don’t always know when to stop, when it has become one two many, when my dreaded drunken alter ego Bridget might appear, when a fun night is likely to be ruined by a harsh morning.

So my goal starting in January and going until the end of the year (God I hate myself already) is to have no more than two drinks in a night. From now on I am a TwoCan Sam.

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